Reply To: Return parameters without a parameter

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL Parameter connections Return parameters without a parameter Reply To: Return parameters without a parameter

Gergely Fehér

The returned parameters is just a “simple value list” in the specified order – it is not really “parameters”, just variables in the scripts.

You need to declare the list of values to be returned at the end of the called macro’s script, like this:

end value1, value2, value3

Then in the caller object, you need to specify the variables to where you want to fill in these values:

call “samplemacro” parameters …..
returned_parameters variable_receives_value1, variable_receives_value2, variable_receives_value3

I hope it helps, if not, please upload a sample which you can’t solve. (Upload in zip please, as gsm files are forbidden by the hosting service provider of this site.)

Gergely Fehér
Team Leader, Library Team