Unfortunately it is not possible – and I think it won’t be possible in the near future. There are workarounds for many cases – can you tell me the problem with some more details?
Gergely Fehér
Team Leader, Library Team GRAPHISOFT SE
I have an array of XYZ points, where either X or Y must be zero. So if the user puts a value in X, it would be nice to have the Y automatically zero out, and vice versa. For non array parameters:
IF GLOB_MODPAR_NAME='xParam' & ABS(xParam-0)>eps THEN PARAMETERS yParam=0
IF GLOB_MODPAR_NAME='yParam' & ABS(yParam-0)>eps THEN PARAMETERS xParam=0
In this situation there are 2 workarounds: if there is a limited number of editable hotspots or user parameters then you can add normal parameters for editing, and store their values in arrays. The other way is to have 2 arrays, and if one is edited, then check the differences and modify the other coordinate.
Gergely Fehér
Team Leader, Library Team GRAPHISOFT SE