How to generate 3D model to PRISM of GDL

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    • #4310
      Mạnh Lâm

      Hi GDL Center,

      Please show me any ways how to generate model from 3D to GDL as PRISM. Because I model in slab but when I saved to GDL, the code is very long and I cannot control coordinate to edit parameter. In the image I want to create a GDL object to editable Hotspot for change size or length. Please show me if have any tutorial for this stuff.

      Thank you very much.

    • #4312
      Mạnh Lâm

      Sorry, I knew how to drag into the script but with that image, bump model of the crane, I cannot drag it. Please show me how to model a complex model in GDL.

      Best regards,

    • #4313
      Barry Kelly

      If you are saving elements as GDL objects, you will have no control over how the script is generated.
      You just have to try to understand it and edit it.

      If you want complete control, then you have to create the scripts yourself.
      Create the elements (prisms, etc.), move and rotate them, create for/next loops, gosub routines, add hotspots etc.

      As to how to create a complex model in GDL, that would be almost impossible to say.
      You will just have to make a start and ask questions as you get stuck.

      To script something like that crane, you would want to have a pretty decent knowledge of GDL, especially if you want to make it parametric (stretchy and moveable).
      It is not something I would want to attempt.


      Versions 6.5 to 22
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      Dell Precision M6800 - i7 4700MQ @ 2.40GHz, 16GB RAM, AMD FirePro M6100 (2GB), Windows 7 64bit

    • #4314
      Péter Baksa

      First read our “GDL Basics” training, it explains the concepts of how GDL works.
      Next, at the beginning of the GDL Reference Guide (General Overview) there are some mentions of non-Graphisoft GDL training material. I would recommend GDL Cookbook for you, it has good short tutorials.

      Péter Baksa
      Library Platform, Software Engineer

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