Modelling a solid "pipe"

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL 3D modelling Modelling a solid "pipe"

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    • #18792
      Peter Koncz

      Hi All!

      This may be a basic question to all the pros on this forum, but I am still learning GDL. I am trying to sweep a simple circle along a spatial path. I haven’t found a command that can define the base polyline, as a circle with a radius. SWEEP or TUBE for example wants me to define the nodes of a polygon that would resemble a circle. I know that’s possible with COS and SIN, but I would love to be able to just define the circle with a radius.

      Is there such a command in the GDL world?


    • #18823
      Lingwisyer GC

      Cannot use Status Code 4000?

      Full circle using centerpoint and radius
      r, 360, 4000+s,
      where 0 < s < 100


      AC18-23 AUS 4006
      Self-taught, bend it till it breaks.
      Win7 | E5620 x 2 | 24GB | K2200

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