Reply To: Limit request properties of parent to a specific classification

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL Informations from the environment Limit request properties of parent to a specific classification Reply To: Limit request properties of parent to a specific classification

Csilla Mai

Hi James,

The properties cannot be filtered based on a certain Classification for which the properties are valid, because the GDL script does not get the information from ARCHICAD that a given property is valid for which Classification.

The only filtering option I could suggest is giving the “ACPROPERTY” keyword for the “Properties_Of_Parent”, which filters out the IFC Properties, Core Properties and Classifications.

If you would like to display very specific properties, the _parentProperties101 two-dimensional array may be filtered: the array elements could be filled to another array in a loop, the unnecessary properties based on the Group Name of the Property could be left out, and that other array could be given to the ui_custom_popup_infield.

For property handling we do not recommend the MVO object, we preferably suggest the Labels and Objects.
Best Regards,

Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team