Reply To: WALL_​​​COMPS_​​​NAME not being recognised from verion 17 onwards

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL Doors and windows WALL_​COMPS_​NAME not being recognised from verion 17 onwards Reply To: WALL_​​COMPS_​​NAME not being recognised from verion 17 onwards

Gergely Fehér


WALL_SKINS_BMAT_NAMES works only in 2d, as it was developed for labeling purposes – it is a bug in the manual that it said it works in 3D too. In a future version 3D functionality can be added to this global. Now I corrected the online version of the reference guide to make it clear.
In 3D you can use WALL_MAT_A and WALL_MAT_B for the wall surfaces.

Gergely Fehér
Team Leader, Library Team