Reply To: Component Name Linked to a Variable

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Dominika Bobály

Example code in parameter script:
! ————————————————————
_formatStr = “”
rrr = REQUEST (“Window_door_dimension”, “”, _formatStr)

stPanelSizesForList = STR{2}(_formatStr, A) + ” x ” + STR{2}(_formatStr, B)
parameters stPanelSizesForList = stPanelSizesForList
lock “stPanelSizesForList”
! ————————————————————

This example formats the “A” and “B” length values according to Project Preferences/Dimensions/Door, Window and Skylight Dimensions settings in ARCHICAD.
“stPanelSizesForList” should be a new, string type parameter in your objects.

Dominika Bobály
Product Manager