Reply To: Retrieving list of available parameters from password protected MVOs

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL Informations from the environment Retrieving list of available parameters from password protected MVOs Reply To: Retrieving list of available parameters from password protected MVOs

Barry Kelly

There may be a way if the MVO object has been left with the ‘Placeable’ option on when saved.
You can place it in the plan and then select it (you won’t see it but you can select it – just place , then UNDO and then REDO to have it selected).
Now save this selection as a new object.
You can now open the script of this new object and in the 2D script you will see a CALL command with all the parameters listed.

I can understand the need to password protect objects but I think it would be a good idea if the parameter list was not included in the protection.
Any password protected objects are almost useless to me as I use different attributes (pens, linestyles, surfaces, etc.) to suit my own template.
I would like to be able to alter the default parameter settings so I can use the object with my template.
My only option is to set up a favourite for each object or ‘save’ them as above and then create a parameter list and adjust the CALL commands so I can set the values I want from a user perspective.


Versions 6.5 to 22
Dell XPS- i7-6700 @ 3.4Ghz, 16GB ram, GeForce GTX 960 (2GB), Windows 10
Dell Precision M6800 - i7 4700MQ @ 2.40GHz, 16GB RAM, AMD FirePro M6100 (2GB), Windows 7 64bit