Reply To: Requesting platform, mac or windows

shaun coomber

Here is the code for method 1:

UI_INFIELD{3} SelectField, xpos, ypos+yspc, useWidth*4+20, useHeight*2,
1, 25,
8, 2,
useWidth, useHeight, useWidth, useHeight,
1, “”, 1,
2, “”, 2,
3, “”, 3,
4, “”, 4,
5, “”, 5,
6, “”, 6,
7, “”, 7,
8, “”, 8

And here is the code for method 6:

FOR k = 1 TO 4

UI_INFIELD{3} SelectField, xpos+useWidth*(k-1), ypos+yspc, useWidth, useHeight,
6, 25,
8, 2,
useWidth, useHeight, useWidth, useHeight,
k, “”, k+10,
k, “”, k


FOR k = 5 TO 8

UI_INFIELD{3} SelectField, xpos+useWidth*(k-5), ypos+yspc+useHeight, useWidth, useHeight,
6, 25,
8, 2,
useWidth, useHeight, useWidth, useHeight,
k, “”, k+10,
k, “”, k


With the following trick in the parameter script:

IF SelectField > 10 THEN
SelectField = SelectField – 10
PARAMETERS SelectField = SelectField