
Home Forums General discussions ac_​drawingName

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    • #3613
      Duane Valencia

      Anyone getting this to work? GS has abandoned the old <DRAWINGNAME> parameter for title texts… I’ve got my 15year old detail title back up and running…but the ac_drawingName parameter will only ever display as “0”…

      I have it set up to feed a different variable “vf_name” so that I can manually override it within the title object parameters itself…

      any ideas?

    • #3614
      Duane Valencia

      BTW… ac_drawingScale and ac_drawingNumber seem to be working fine.

      ****UPDATE *****

      ac_drawingNumber does NOT work either…

      really need help here… This is only an issue with the 4022 release… Meaning, if I can’t get this to work.. I will have to constantly go back and forth from 3005 to 4022 and back… (for other TW issues)..

    • #3615
      Duane Valencia

      And while we’re talking Titles… is there any variable that returns the NUMBER equivalent of the scale of the drawing? For example, 1/4″= 1′-0″ would return a number of 48?

      In trying to create my own GRAPHIC SCALE, I need something that can be used in an equation for scaling.

      The ac_drawingScale only returns the VERBAL version of the scale…
      Yes, I can “convert” this to a number, but when it’s an IN BETWEEN scale, I’ve got problems. Not to mention the script checker really hates it when you IF-THEN with a numeric equation.

    • #3622
      Tímea Kelemen

      I checked in both 3005 and 4022 and these parameters worked properly. I attached a test gsm, please have a look at it. It is an object with Drawing Title subtype and prints out the mentioned parameters in 2D. Maybe it will give you some help on using those parameters.
      If your problem still exists please contact us.

      Tímea Kelemen
      Library Developer, Library Team

    • #3624
      Duane Valencia

      I must be doing something wrong before the text statement (though, again, this was working in all previous versions)…

      Here’s the Title Object… Please review and see if you can tell what’s wrong.

      I did have a switching variable vf_name… that if you enter “*” it will revert to ac_drawingName…

      Even disabling that and using ac_drawingName only still shows a “0”…

      I also COPY & PASTED your script into mine… Your script returns a “0” as well (in my object)…
      Works fine in your object…

    • #3626
      Duane Valencia

      As a footnote, trying to edit this object… it took a full 2 minutes to open the object and a full 2 minutes to SAVE the edits… Then another Full 2 minutes to open again… and 2 min to save…


      I am going to try to add bits of my code into your object and see if/when it breaks.

    • #3627
      James Murray

      I replied to this yesterday, but it seems it did not post. You need to create the AC_DrawingName and AC_DrawingNumber parameters – they do not come with the subtype (who knows why).

      James M

    • #3628
      Duane Valencia


      Thanks… I’m off to try it now…

      AND.. for some reason, even tho I say SEND AN EMAIL WHEN THERE’S A REPLY.. it does not send me an email!

      Hope this works…..

    • #3629
      Duane Valencia

      Bingo… it does work…

      One thing to note… if you’re changing the object in an OPEN file… you have to UPDATE the placed drawings or those parameters will read blank..

      I am also seeing if closing and opening the entire file will “update” the titles (as otherwise, I’d have to go to all 70 or 80 sheets and update placed drawings)…

      Thanks again, James…

    • #3630
      Duane Valencia

      Now for discovering that magic parameter that returns the scale as a NUMBER and not a STRING… anyone?

      see previous post in this thread….

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