Quantity withdrawal

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL Object design Quantity withdrawal

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  • Author
    • #3167
      Laurits Frydenberg

      Hello everyone.
      Is there a way to get out volumes and square meters on the basis of filler or material when I have used CPRISM_ top_material, bottom_material, side_material.

      All help is received with thanksgiving.

      Laurits Frydenberg

      Technical drawing

    • #3179
      Laurits Frydenberg

      Is there no one who knows this ???

      Laurits Frydenberg

      Technical drawing

    • #3180
      Gergely Fehér

      If you want to schedule the total surface areas, then it should be done “outside GDL” – with the scheduling function of ARCHICAD. If you would like to use the old listing – use the property scripts.
      Please always describe the goals with as much details as possible – without that we can’t help…

      Gergely Fehér
      Team Leader, Library Team

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