Use drawing scale on layouts to Set Scale bar

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    • #18472
      James Goode


      is it possible to use the Drawing Scale from layouts to set my scale bar value on the layout?


    • #18474
      shaun coomber

      Yes, that’s exactly what we do using “ac_drawingScale”:

    • #18475
      James Goode

      The only problem is that it relies on having a drawing in the project, right?

      Our scale bar is just a 2D object and not a drawing title object.

    • #18476
      Barry Kelly

      Layouts don’t actually have a scale.
      The drawings you place on the layout do have a scale.
      That is why the scale bar needs to be part of the drawing title.
      Placing a separate object in the layout will have no relation to the drawing.

      You could however place the object in the Archicad view.
      Then it can read the scale of that view (I do this all the time – never use drawing titles).
      That would work unless you are then re-scaling the view in the layout (which in my opinion you shouldn’t be doing).


      Versions 6.5 to 22
      Dell XPS- i7-6700 @ 3.4Ghz, 16GB ram, GeForce GTX 960 (2GB), Windows 10
      Dell Precision M6800 - i7 4700MQ @ 2.40GHz, 16GB RAM, AMD FirePro M6100 (2GB), Windows 7 64bit

    • #18477
      shaun coomber

      Yes, we went through the same thought process – objects on the layout can’t see the scale of the drawings, and ARCHICAD only fills out autotext after placement so the GDL doesn’t see it. We ended up having separate positioning options for the scale bar within the title object, to position it relative to the drawing or to the layout itself. There still has to be a drawing on the layout, but the scale bar doesn’t have to be placed with the title, and the scale bar doesn’t necessarily move with the drawing.

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