Use fill from surface in 2D-symbol?

Home Forums General discussions Use fill from surface in 2D-symbol?

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  • Author
    • #18697
      Mats Knutsson

      As always I understand nothing. I scripted a simple floor drain and I can’t manage to get the fill orientation to follow the object instead of the global origin. I tried poly2{2} but couldn’t figure it out. I tried project2{2} but couldn’t figure that one out either. I just suck at this. Please help me with an example script. I lack examples intensely when it comes to the gdl documentation… or I’m just to stupid to understand.

    • #18699
      James Murray

      POLY2_B{2} can do it. There are parameters for fill origin and angle. You need add 8 to the frame_fill to get it to respect the local origin.

      James M

    • #18700
      David Shorter44

      hi Mats
      Just out of interest is the fill symbolic or a real representation of the grill pattern?

      ArchiCAD 4.1-22
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      • #18701
        Mats Knutsson

        A symbolic pattern. Should be diagonal (45 degrees) to the object. I use a regular ANSI fill. Will try to figure out how to code it according to James’s tips. I just would like to see a code example to learn from.

    • #18702
      David Shorter44

      Here is a script, 8 sets the rotation to match the rotation of the object
      a/2, b/2 puts the origin of fill at the centre of the object.
      pen penAttribute_1
      fill fillAttribute_1
      poly2_b{5} 5, 2, 0, 8, penAttribute_1, penAttribute_2,
      a/2, b/2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
      0, 0, 1,
      a, 0, 1,
      a, b, 1,
      0, b, 1,
      0, 0, 1

      the screenshot shows the parameters

      ArchiCAD 4.1-22
      MacBook RetinaDisplay
      16Gb RAM 500Gb SSD

      • #18705
        Mats Knutsson

        Rally thank you! Works like charm. Now for the definition of B{5} to understand what’s going on.

      • #18706
        Mats Knutsson

        Really thank you! Works like charm. Now for the definition of B{5} to understand what’s going on.

    • #18703
      David Shorter44

      missing screenshot attached


      ArchiCAD 4.1-22
      MacBook RetinaDisplay
      16Gb RAM 500Gb SSD

    • #18709
      David Shorter44

      I have to confess I cheated.
      I drew a fill block on the floor plan and saved it as a object.
      I created it at the origin to a known size (600×600) using a fill geometry ‘linked to the fill origin.
      I then selected it and saved it as an object, opened the object and edited the 2D script.
      I can go into more detail if that would help but I’m not sure how much you know.
      Let me know if you need more guidance.
      Hope this helps

      ArchiCAD 4.1-22
      MacBook RetinaDisplay
      16Gb RAM 500Gb SSD

    • #18717
      Mats Knutsson

      This is my master piece (huge irony)

      I used a GOSUB for the fills in 2D but need to change to a fill that allows me to control the outline colour.
      The 3D is pure cheat in that sense I have three different “complete” geometries (GOSUB). I guess the holes in the slab can be done with a FOR … NEXT loop but that’s for later.
      Thanks for all kind help?

      Next venture is UI.

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