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Joachim Sühlo

I just had to do the same thing for Parameter transfer from objects set by the client:
For this I wrote an export routine via GDL TEXT addon. The placed objects then can
export their parameters, which I replace in the XML-Version of the object.

OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ‘<String Name=”best_names”>’
OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ”, ‘<Description><![CDATA[“Bestückungs-Namen”]] ></Description>’
OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ”, ‘<Flags>’
OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ”, ”, ‘<ParFlg_Child/>’
OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ”, ‘</Flags>’
OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ”, ‘<ArrayValues FirstDimension=”14″ SecondDimension=”1″>’

FOR i = 1 TO VARDIM1(best_names)
ergebnis = best_names[i]
OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ”, ”, ‘ <AVal Column=”1″ Row=”‘ + STR(i, 1, 0) + ‘”>’ + ergebnis + ‘</AVal>’

OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ”, ‘</ArrayValues>’
OUTPUT ch1, 1, 0, ‘</String>’

GDL Object Developer
MAC OSx 10.14