Reply To: What is the proper replacement for GLOB_​​​CONTEXT=1?

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL Informations from the environment What is the proper replacement for GLOB_​CONTEXT=1? Reply To: What is the proper replacement for GLOB_​​CONTEXT=1?

Ben Cohen

I have used this to migrate a GPO
You have to set the GUID’s in the migration section of the GDL editor

actualGuid = FROM_GUID

! ==============================================================================
! Defined new parameters in migration
! ==============================================================================

! ==============================================================================
! electrical Different  - (AC13 --> AC15)
! ==============================================================================

if actualGuid = "3E6E2AC8-F1D9-4358-A538-5380B32D7718" or actualGuid = "24B2609D-DF7D-304B-9BD8-DEFB38036FFC" then

		actualGuid = "1498DFCB-525E-F74B-B986-1FFCDF5531AA"
		if type_gpo = 'Skirting Ht' then PARAMETERS skirting_ht = ZZYZX

		IF STRSUB(leg_nameTemp,STRLEN(leg_nameTemp)-6,7) = '250 AFL' then
			parameters skirting_ht = .3
			parameters ZZYZX = .3
			parameters std_leg_name = 1

! ==============================================================================
! Set migration GUID
! ==============================================================================


MIGRATIONWARNING 'note this is migrated forward'