Reply To: Text variables longer than 250 characters (V18)

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL Documentation elements, text handling Text variables longer than 250 characters (V18) Reply To: Text variables longer than 250 characters (V18)

Dominika Bobály

Not really, if you insist on using one parameter only.
Either create more parameters for the listing, with similar type of content, and use those parameters in schedule in separate columns. Or you can use the “Info” script of the object (it is called “Comment” in the GDL editor) – this can not be listed, but if you hit the info icon next to the object preview in the settings window, the text is visible in a popup.
In AC20 properties were introduced, where you can create custom property parameters (with “unlimited” content as string), and link them to your objects. Property parameters can be listed.

Dominika Bobály
Product Manager