Reply To: How to get coordinates of the section/elevation story line?

Home Forums Problems and solutions in GDL Parameter connections How to get coordinates of the section/elevation story line? Reply To: How to get coordinates of the section/elevation story line?

Maciek Bajor

Thank you for your answer.

I did open Section or Elevation in the floor plan but I don’t know how to open macro this Section or Elevation calls so I can read it’s parameters. Please see screenshot below.

Also I am not sure if I’ll find what I am looking for there. The parameters from Build-in Section Marker are not the one I am looking for.

The parameters I am looking for are
– length of the section in the floor plan
– coordinates of the start and end of section
or even
– information if it’s mirrored (like ~V in previous globals)

Or course all would be perfect. Is there a way to read any of these parameters? Where should I look for it?