I need to calculate area from polygon, which is defined with matrix points:
I found macro PolygonOperation, but result is wrong. In some cases smaller, in some cases even negative.
My syntax is:
for i=1 to segments
put x[i],y[i]
next i
put x[1],y[1]
call “PolygonOperations”,
parameters opcode=6,
returned_parameters _area
For any two basic polygons of equivalent territory, the Bolyai–Gerwien hypothesis declares that the first can be cut into polygonal pieces which can be reassembled to shape the subsequent polygon.
Note: For calculating area of close non-self intersection polygon, the vertices must go anti-clock wise, and for negative areas (holes) you must go clock wise.
@Harru Alex,
Can you implement Bolyai–Gerwien hypothesis in GDL ?
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