Stair Globals: How to use

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    • #4203
      Joachim Sühlo

      I am working on stair accessories for the stair tool in AC 21.
      I have the following questions about the Globals:

      – how does the stair accessories file know, which is the actual tread or riser that I am editing?
      – which Global can I use to know the stair’s main width in 3D?
      (Should I use STAIR_TREAD_GEOMETRY and calculate tne MIN/MAX values?)
      – which Global can I use to know the riser height: “RISER_HEIGHT” seems not to work in all cases as expected
      (see screenshot)
      Globals in Stair Accessorie
      – how does the script know that it has a tread or a landing?
      – at the lowest step of the stair in the image I want to place the riser covering:
      but on all other steps I have the coverings as part of the tread accessories
      – when the stair starts with a tread insted of a riser, how does the script know this?
      (in this case I have to shorten my accessorie for the first step)
      – how does the script know that a step is the top level step?

      GDL Object Developer
      MAC OSx 10.14

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