DEL n [, begin_with]
Deletes n entries from the transformation stack.
If the begin_with parameter is not specified, deletes the previous n entries in the transformation stack.
The local coordinate system moves back to a previous position.
If the begin_with transformation is specified, deletes n entries forward, beginning with the one denoted by begin_with.
Numbering starts with 1. If the begin_with parameter is specified and n is negative, deletes backward.
If fewer transformations were issued in the current script than denoted by the given n number argument,
then only the issued transformations are deleted.
Deletes all current transformations in the current script.
NTR ()
Returns the actual number of transformations.
Example code:
BLOCK 1, 1, 1 ADDX 2 ADDY 2.5 ADDZ 1.5 ROTX -60 ADDX 1.5 BLOCK 1, 0.5, 2 DEL 1, 1 ! Deletes the ADDX 2 transformation BLOCK 1, 0.5, 1 DEL 1, NTR() - 2 ! Deletes the ADDZ 1.5 transformation BLOCK 1, 0.5, 2 DEL -2, 3 ! Deletes the ROTX -60 and ADDY 2.5 transformations BLOCK 1, 0.5, 2
… and it’s 3D view: