Window, Door and Wall End parameters
WIDO_REVEAL_ON | window/door built-in reveal is on |
0-reveal is off, 1-reveal is on | |
WIDO_SILL | sill depth of the window/door – sometimes referred to as reveal depth |
for curved walls: in radial direction at nominal sized opening corner | |
WIDO_SILL_HEIGHT | window/door nominal sill height |
WIDO_RSIDE_SILL_HEIGHT | window/door sill height on the reveal side |
WIDO_OPRSIDE_SILL_HEIGHT | window/door sill height on the side opposite to the reveal side |
WIDO_RIGHT_JAMB | window/door built-in jamb on the right side |
WIDO_LEFT_JAMB | window/door built-in jamb on the left side |
WIDO_THRES_DEPTH | window/door built-in sill/threshold depth |
WIDO_HEAD_DEPTH | window/door built-in head depth |
WIDO_HEAD_HEIGHT | window/door nominal head height |
WIDO_RSIDE_HEAD_HEIGHT | window/door head height on the reveal side |
WIDO_OPRSIDE_HEAD_HEIGHT | window/door head height on the side opposite to the reveal side |
WIDO_REVEAL_SIDE | reveal side is opposite to the opening side |
1-yes, 0-no – when placing an element, the default value is 0 for windows, 1 for doors | |
WIDO_FRAME_THICKNESS | frame thickness of window/door |
when flipping doors/windows, they will be mirrored then relocated automatically by this value | |
WIDO_POSITION | offset of the door/window |
angle or distance between the axis of the opening or wall end and the normal vector at the wall’s starting point | |
WIDO_ORIENTATION | window/door opening orientation |
left/right – it will work fine only if the door/window was created according to local standards | |
WIDO_MARKER_TXT | window/door marker text |
WIDO_SUBFL_THICKNESS | subfloor thickness (for sill height correction) |
WIDO_PREFIX | window/door sill height prefix |
WIDO_CUSTOM_MARKER | window/door custom marker switch |
1-parameters can be used in the 2D script while the automatic dimension is not present | |
WIDO_ORIG_DIST | distance of the local origin from the center of curvature of the wall |
distance of the local origin from the centerpoint of the curved wall, 0 for straight walls. Negative for wall ends at the ending point of the curved wall. |
WIDO_PWALL_INSET | parapet wall inset |
Window, Door parameters – available for listing and labels only
WIDO_RSIDE_WIDTH | window/door opening width on the reveal side |
WIDO_OPRSIDE_WIDTH | window/door opening width on the side opposite to the reveal side |
WIDO_RSIDE_HEIGHT | window/door opening height on the reveal side |
WIDO_OPRSIDE_HEIGHT | window/door opening height on the side opposite to the reveal side |
WIDO_RSIDE_SURF | window/door opening surface area on the reveal side |
WIDO_OPRSIDE_SURF | window/door opening surface area on the side opposite to the reveal side |
WIDO_N_RSIDE_WIDTH | nominal window/door opening width on the reveal side |
WIDO_N_OPRSIDE_WIDTH | nominal window/door opening width on the side opposite to the reveal side |
WIDO_N_RSIDE_HEIGHT | nominal window/door opening height on the reveal side |
WIDO_N_OPRSIDE_HEIGHT | nominal window/door opening height on the side opposite to the reveal side |
WIDO_N_RSIDE_SURF | nominal window/door opening surface on the reveal side |
WIDO_N_OPRSIDE_SURF | nominal window/door opening surface on the side opposite to the reveal side |
WIDO_VOLUME | window/door opening volume |
WIDO_GROSS_SURFACE | window/door opening nominal surface area |
WIDO_GROSS_VOLUME | window/door opening nominal volume |
Wall parameters – available for Doors/Windows, listing and labels
WALL_ID | user ID of the wall |
WALL_INTGUID | internal GUID of the wall |
the internal GUID generated by the program (cannot be controlled by the user) | |
WALL_RESOL | 3D resolution of a curved wall |
effective in 3D only | |
WALL_THICKNESS | thickness of the wall |
in case of inclined walls: the wall thickness at the opening axis (local z axis) | |
WALL_START_THICKNESS | Start thickness of the wall |
WALL_END_THICKNESS | End thickness of the wall |
WALL_INCL | inclination of the wall surfaces |
the angle between the two inclined wall surfaces – 0 for common straight walls | |
WALL_FLIPPED | boolean value set according to “Reference Line Location: Flip Wall on Reference Line” option of the wall |
2D | ![]() |
3D | ![]() |
UI | ![]() |
Parameter | ![]() |
Property | ![]() |
Default | 0 |
information about the flipped state of the current wall | |
0 – default wall position, 1 – wall is flipped on reference line | |
Compatibility: introduced in ARCHICAD 22. | |
WALL_HEIGHT | height of the wall |
WALL_MAT_A | surface attribute index of the wall on the side opposite to the opening side |
WALL_MAT_B | surface attribute index of the wall on the opening side |
this can vary from opening to opening placed in the same wall | |
WALL_MAT_EDGE | surface attribute index of the edges of the wall |
WALL_LINETYPE | line type of the wall |
applied on the contours only in the floor plan window | |
WALL_FILL | fill type of the wall |
fill index, first skin of a composite structure | |
WALL_FILL_PEN | pen of the wall fill |
WALL_COMPS_NAME | name of the composite or complex structure of the wall |
the name of the profile attribute for complex wall, the name of the composite attribute for composite walls, empty string otherwise. |
WALL_BMAT_NAME | name of the building material of the wall |
building material name of the wall, empty string for composite or complex walls. | |
WALL_BMAT | index of the building material of the wall |
building material index of the wall, 0 for composite or complex walls. Compatibility: introduced in ARCHICAD 21. |
WALL_SKINS_NUMBER | number of composite or complex wall skins |
range of 1to 127, 0 if single fill applied | |
WALL_SKINS_PARAMS | parameters of the composite or complex wall skins |
array with 19 columns and with arbitrary number of rows:
core status: 0 – not part, 1 – part, 3 – last core skin. For complex walls this variable contains only the data of the skins that are cut on the floor plan (2D – regarding floor plan cut height), or cut at D/W sill / wall end bottom height (3D). |
WALL_SKINS_BMAT_NAMES | building material names of the composite or complex wall skins |
array with 1 column: building material name of the skin and with arbitrary number of rows, can be used in 2D only | |
WALL_SECT_PEN | pen of the contours of the wall cut surfaces |
applied on contours of cut surfaces both in floor plan and section/elevation windows | |
WALL_VIEW_PEN | pen of the contours of the wall on view |
applied on all edges in 3D window and on outline edges (edges on view below cutting plane) in floor plan and section/elevation window |
WALL_FBGD_PEN | pen of the background of the fill of the wall |
WALL_DIRECTION | direction of the wall |
straight walls: the direction of the reference line, curved walls: the direction of the chord of the arc | |
WALL_POSITION | absolute coordinates of the wall |
array with 3 columns: x, y, z, which means the position of the wall’s starting point relative to the project origin | |
WALL_TEXTURE_WRAP | texture wrapping data of the wall to be used in VERT and COOR{2}, or COOR{3} commands. The coordinates are transformed to match the local coordinate system of the wall-connected object (no additional transformations needed). |
array with 14 rows:
Wall parameters – available for listing and labels only
WALL_LENGTH_A | length of the wall on the reference line side |
WALL_LENGTH_B | length of the wall on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_LENGTH_A_CON | conditional wall length on the reference line side |
WALL_LENGTH_B_CON | conditional wall length on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_CENTER_LENGTH | length of the wall at the center |
WALL_AREA | area of the wall |
WALL_PERIMETER | perimeter of the wall |
WALL_SURFACE_A | surface area of the wall on the reference line side |
WALL_SURFACE_B | surface area of the wall on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_SURFACE_A_CON | conditional wall surface area on the reference line side |
WALL_SURFACE_B_CON | conditional wall surface area on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_GROSS_SURFACE_A | gross surface area of the wall on the reference line side |
WALL_GROSS_SURFACE_B | gross surface area of the wall on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_EDGE_SURF | surface area of the edge of the wall |
WALL_VOLUME | volume of the wall |
WALL_VOLUME_CON | conditional volume of the wall |
WALL_GROSS_VOLUME | gross volume of the wall |
WALL_VOLUME_A | wall skin volume on the reference line side |
WALL_VOLUME_A_CON | conditional wall skin volume on the reference line side |
WALL_VOLUME_B | wall skin volume on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_VOLUME_B_CON | conditional wall skin volume on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_DOORS_NR | number of doors in the wall |
WALL_WINDS_NR | number of windows in the wall |
WALL_HOLES_NR | number of empty openings |
WALL_DOORS_SURF | surface area of doors in the wall |
WALL_WINDS_SURF | surface area of windows in the wall |
WALL_HOLES_SURF | surface area of empty openings in the wall |
WALL_HOLES_SURF_A | analytic surface area of openings on the reference line side |
WALL_HOLES_SURF_B | analytic surface area of openings on the opposite side |
WALL_HOLES_VOLUME | analytic volume of openings in the wall |
WALL_WINDS_WID | combined width of the windows in the wall |
WALL_DOORS_WID | combined width of the doors in the wall |
WALL_COLUMNS_NR | number of columns in the wall |
WALL_CROSSSECTION_TYPE | cross-section type of the wall |
0 – complex profiled, 1 – rectangular, 2 – slanted, 3 – double slanted | |
WALL_MIN_HEIGHT | minimum height of the wall |
WALL_MAX_HEIGHT | maximum height of the wall |
WALL_SKIN_MIN_HEIGHT_A | minimum height of the wall skin on the reference line side |
WALL_SKIN_MAX_HEIGHT_A | maximum height of the wall skin on the reference line side |
WALL_SKIN_MIN_HEIGHT_B | minimum height of the wall skin on the reference line side |
WALL_SKIN_MAX_HEIGHT_B | maximum height of the wall skin on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_SKIN_THICKNESS_A | wall skin thickness on the reference line side |
WALL_SKIN_THICKNESS_B | wall skin thickness on the side opposite to the reference line |
WALL_INSU_THICKNESS | wall insulation skin thickness |
WALL_AIR_THICKNESS | wall air skin thickness |