Forum Replies Created
Csilla MaiKeymaster
Hi Guillermo,
Here are some materials which could help with your problem:
How to make an always readable text?
Global variables for Labels
Fixed name optional parameters for Labels
If you could not find the solution for your issue, please send the problematic code snippet or your object in .zip file and a description about which cases it does not work properly.Best Regards,
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Barry,
Thank you for reporting this issue with the “New” flags. The spam posts and the unsuccessfully published posts have not been deleted properly. Please reload the GDL Center page and check if the “New” tags still appear.
Best Regards,
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Vítor!
The problem with your object is its subtype: “Flow Device” is selected for it instead of “Flow Equipment”, so the MEP Add-On does not recognize it. If I change the subtype for “Flow Equipment”, save the object and place it again, the Pipe connection works fine.
There is no big difference between the […]MEP_4 and […]ACL_4 macros. The […]ACL_4 macro is more up-to-date, and it is shipped within ARCHICAD Library. The […]MEP_4 macro is used by the objects in the MEP Library, it is shipped within the MEP Library. As the ARCHICAD Library and MEP Library can be loaded separately, this macro appears in both libraries.
Best Regards,
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Vítor,
We are investigating this issue, could not find the cause of the problem yet. I will get back to you as we find out what causes the connection problem.
Best Regards,
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Vítor,
If I understand well, you would like to create an object with MEP function.You can find a Tips and Tricks post about creating such object:
These kind of objects do call “MEP_m_ConnectionsACL_4” macro, the objects of the MEP Tools (the objects in the MEP Library) call the “MEP_m_ConnectionsMEP_4” macro.
In case you already knew the post above, please attach your .gsm or .lcf file in .zip format so we can investigate the problem.
Best Regards,
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Manuel,
Perhaps you are looking for the ac_beam_twist_angle parameter. If not, please try to upload a screen-shot with a smaller size, the file upload was not succesful.
Best Regards,
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi,
The frames can be modeled as 3 different Curtain Walls using the Boundary First modelling at the horizontal Curtain walls and cutting the frame ends with the Cutting Planes parameters available at non-built-in library parts. Unfortunately we do not have a solution to create automatically the desired frame geometry at the attached picture, it would need further development in ARCHICAD.
The reason that the project coordinate dependence is not supported is simply based on User cases, technically the coordinate system position of the project could be provided by ARCHIICAD with further development.
Different 2D and 3D representations of a frame can be reached using the GLOB_VIEW_TYPE global variable: if it’s value is 2, a different model can be created which will be projected by ARCHICAD for 2D representation in case of the Curtain Wall’s Frame representation is set to Projected.
Best Regards,
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Frank,
The recommended workflow for the picture attached is to create the frame geometry from 3 different frames with no curtain wall panels between the horizontal ones. It is not recommended to refer to project coordinates from curtain wall frame subelements.
The reason why the curtain wall panels have access to these global variable values is that the 2D Symbol of the curtain wall panels can be drawn by the GDL script (the frame 2D symbol is always drawn by ARCHICAD). For proper panel thickness representation at the cutting plane at a slanted Curtain Wall the slant angle is needed for symbolic 2D at the panels.
Best Regards,
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Frank,
You can use the CWPANEL_HORIZONTAL_DIRECTION and the CWPANEL_VERTICAL_DIRECTION global variables for Curtain Wall Panel subelements, listing and labels. For Curtain Wall Frames the the slant angle is not available, the coordinate system of the frame can be in any position in 3D relatively to the plan file’s coordinate system. I suggest using an editable parameter (or more of them) defined by the User, to provide the needed geometric freedom to the special function.Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SEAugust 15, 2019 at 15:20 in reply to: Limit request properties of parent to a specific classification #18064Csilla MaiKeymasterHi James,
The properties cannot be filtered based on a certain Classification for which the properties are valid, because the GDL script does not get the information from ARCHICAD that a given property is valid for which Classification.
The only filtering option I could suggest is giving the “ACPROPERTY” keyword for the “Properties_Of_Parent”, which filters out the IFC Properties, Core Properties and Classifications.
If you would like to display very specific properties, the _parentProperties101 two-dimensional array may be filtered: the array elements could be filled to another array in a loop, the unnecessary properties based on the Group Name of the Property could be left out, and that other array could be given to the ui_custom_popup_infield.
For property handling we do not recommend the MVO object, we preferably suggest the Labels and Objects.
Best Regards,Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi,
For creating a Curtain Wall Panel Door check out the How to make a curtain wall panel? post and its example object. In this post the parameters for panel dimensions are explained, which are valid for the curtain wall door panels as well.
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Mats,
If there are no hotspots written in the 3D script, ARCHICAD will always add hotspots automatically. Adding one hotspot to the 3D script will eliminate the others. For example:
hotspot 0, 0, 0, 1
However the AC_show2DHotspotsIn3D parameter should have an effect, I will add this issue as a bug into our database. Thank you for reporting it!
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Mats,
Please attach your object as a zip file, so we can investigate your problem.
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Joachim,
It is not possible to get automated door numbers based on a Zone expression, a Zone expression value cannot be stored as a parameter in ROOM_NUMBER or ROOM_NAME.
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team
GRAPHISOFT SECsilla MaiKeymasterHi Pavel,
command in parameterscript only defines a set of values for the actual parameter, it does not change the parameter’s value itself.For changing the parameter’s value, use the
parameters nTypZdroje = aTypZdroje
Csilla Mai
Library Developer, Library Team