Using the Corner Window Add-On is practical for simple corner cases: when only one corner connection should be handled, and Corner Window pairs do not have to be above each other in one wall. If the windows other side also needed to be handled as corner connections, or the Windows should be able to differ in not unique parameter values, then Custom Corner Option should be created.
The Corner Window Add-On calculates fix named optional parameters for handling the corner connection. If a Custom Corner Option is created, these parameters have to be calculated manually.
Corner Window Function with add-on
In order to create an object with the functionality of a Corner Window, the object should be classified under Corner Window subtype. This subtype contains the following fix named optional parameters for the Corner Window add-on:
ac_cw_function | Placement type (0: Window, 1: Corner Window) – default value must be set to 0 |
ac_corner_window | Enable/disable Corner Window function |
ac_corner_angle | Angle of the corner |
ac_con_wall_thk | Thickness of the connecting wall at the other side of the corner |
The values of these parameters are set by the Corner Window add-on. In case of Corner Windows, the object is offset from the corner. The offset is calculated from the corner angle, sill depth and the frame thickness. As a consequence of the offset a wall piece appears at the corner.
This wall piece can be removed by using the opening oversizes at Compatibility Options. In order to get correct calculations the Nominal Frame Thickness should be set in Compatibility Options.
The Corner Window Add-On always belongs to the connecting side of the Corner Window objects. This side is always considered as the right side of both of the Corner Window objects. In the following example the oversize parameter of the connecting side is “ac_right_oversize”, the oversize parameter of the other side is “ac_left_overside”. The opening oversize parameters should be set in Compatibility Options.
The correct oversize at the connecting side (right side) can be calculated from the fix named parameters set by the Corner Window add-on:
bRightCornerFunction = (ac_cw_function & ac_corner_window) rightCornerAngle = ac_corner_angle rightConnWallThk = ac_con_wall_thk if bRightCornerFunction & abs(rightCornerAngle) > EPS then rx = 1 / tan(rightCornerAngle / 2) beta = atn((rightConnWallThk * sin(rightCornerAngle)) /\ (WALL_THICKNESS + rightConnWallThk * cos(rightCornerAngle))) if rightCornerAngle > 180 then ac_right_oversize = max (0, WALL_THICKNESS / tan(360 - rightCornerAngle + beta)+\ WIDO_SILL / tan(rightCornerAngle / 2)) else ac_right_oversize = (WIDO_FRAME_THICKNESS + WIDO_SILL) * rx +\ max (0, WALL_THICKNESS * tan(rightCornerAngle - beta - 90)) endif endif parameters ac_right_oversize = ac_right_oversize
All of the parameter values of the Corner Window objects have to be equal (except the unique parameters), otherwise the objects would become normal Window objects.
The Corner Window Add-On can only handle one Corner Window pair in each wall. If more Corner Windows are needed above each other then the walls should be divided by stories.
Corner Window Function manually
If Custom Corner Option is needed at the left sides of the Corner Window, the corner function can be set manually. For this manual corner function four parameters are needed, which should be set by the user:
bLeftCornerFunction | Set corner function at the left side of the opening |
leftCornerAngle | Angle of the corner |
bLeftDiffConnWall | Connecting wall thickness is different (1) or same (0) |
leftConnWallThk | Thickness of the connecting wall at the other side of the corner |
Using the parameters above, the “ac_left_oversize” parameter can be calculated similarly to the right side of the Corner Window:
temp_leftCornerAngle = leftCornerAngle resize_Lca = int ((abs(temp_leftCornerAngle))/360) temp_leftCornerAngle = temp_leftCornerAngle + resize_Lca * 360 -\ (leftCornerAngle > 0) * 2 * resize_Lca * 360 leftCornerAngle = temp_leftCornerAngle + 360 * (temp_leftCornerAngle < 0) ! Set connected wall thickness if it is not different. if not (bLeftDiffConnWall) then leftConnWallThk = WALL_THICKNESS ! Following calculation gives the correct oversize at the left side. if bLeftCornerFunction & abs(leftCornerAngle) > EPS then lx = 1 / tan(leftCornerAngle / 2) beta = atn((leftConnWallThk * sin(leftCornerAngle)) /\ (WALL_THICKNESS + leftConnWallThk * cos(leftCornerAngle))) if leftCornerAngle > 180 then ac_left_oversize = max (0, WALL_THICKNESS / tan(360 - leftCornerAngle + beta) +\ WIDO_SILL / tan(leftCornerAngle / 2)) else ac_left_oversize = (WIDO_FRAME_THICKNESS + WIDO_SILL) * lx +\ max (0, WALL_THICKNESS * tan(leftCornerAngle - beta - 90)) endif endif parameters ac_left_oversize = ac_left_oversize
Command and function pool: